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Day 28: A song that makes you feel guilty

7 Jul

Can a song really make you feel guilty?  Actually, yes.  Yes, it can.

This song is the last on the Harry Chapin’s Greatest Stories Live CD.  While it’s not the last on the album or cassette, it is on the CD most likely due to time constraints of 74 minutes / CD.  Regardless, this song makes me feel guilty.  Here we have a song about a family starving to death, and here I sit on my fat ass with plenty to eat.  I’m not the richest guy in the world, but I always try to help out people in need.  No, I won’t give them money (so don’t ask), but I will buy food for a person who is starving or homeless.  What’s a couple of bucks for a burger, when there are people who need it so much more than I do?  A few years ago I saw a guy standing in the median of a local shopping center with a sign stating that he had lost his job and couldn’t feed his kids.  I was all set to turn around and stop into Wendy’s or even Stop & Shop to get this guy some food for his family.  That is until he pulled out a pack of Marlboro reds and lit up.  Sorry bud.  If you can buy cigarettes, you’re not starving.  Do I feel bad for the guy?  Of course.  Do I feel bad for his family?  Yup.  Am I going to drop a bunch of cash for a guy when he’s able to buy cigs at $6/pack?  Nope.  I’m stupid, I’m not that stupid.

Anywho, on to the song: